Oranges Moranges:
Nothing still rhymes with oranges..... .......any suggestions?
- Zany Joey Chestahairy:
- Also known as:
- Marvelous Malcom Potter of the infamous Potting Shed Gang.
- Spankin' Steve Spandex of The Teenage Fag Hags.
- He is now Front Man Extraordinaire, therefore 100% Felch Free
- ...despite any suggestion made by this photo.
- What's good for the goose:
- Is always WEAH! WEAH! for the gander.
- Bonus Impressionist prize:
- Runner-up in the Ozzy Osbourne Impersonator Sweepstakes.
- Hue G Rection:
- Problems:
- Too Tall.
- Used to be fun.
- Was never known as Percival St. Clair.
- Famous examples of Plagiarism:
- "Need a Lover Tonight"
- "Hammerhead"
- Instruments played:
- The Great Zingo Zones:
- Problems:
- Keeps pennies in fridge.
- Will not play cabaret until age 40.
- Keeps playing bass line to Mr. Whatsisname.
- Also Known as:
- "Roger The Hat"
- "Trevor Rocks"
- It's alright,
- The hairline's not receding
- Crazy MacMoondog (That's P-U-P-K-I-N):
- Aka:
- Mickey Thunders, The Cool One, The DodgeMeister .
- Problems:
- So TOTALLY Dodge, It's Unbelievable.
- Running out of good dentists..
- Special Weapon:
- Tractor Beam Eyes (It's Official).
- Secret Persona:
- The huff it, the puff it, the stuff it and bull king.
- You'd better respect him or he'll take your rectum
- Huckleberry Moses Derek Whatbut:
- Instruments played:
- Space Guitar
- Organ (Not sexual)
- Last known gig:
- Guest appearance - The Attic, Jan 5, 1996
- OK, Roar, what do you say we do it all over again, eh?
- Formed renegade band:
- Doctor Bombadier's Solar Plexus Technicolor Nexus Blimp.
- The Two Ronnies:
- Bad Taste:
- It's a good night from me:
- and it's a good night from him.
- Eddie CarressDeTeste:
- Original Founding Member of FIBLMAS
- Left the group after a freak gardening accident
- Lives off royalties as a recluse in Panama (Photo not available)
- Was spotted with Elvis in Vancouver, Canada (March 2, 1997)
- Warning:
- Nose is on the large side
- Vincent P. Rampage:
- Problems:
- Keeps winning poker games at Johndo's apartment.
- Expert management style:
- Defeats enemies in poker games at Johndo's apartment.
- Best Friend:
- Cricket bat with breeze-block nailed to it.
- The Same Two Ronnies:
- Bad Taste:
- It's a good night from me:
- and it's a good night from him.
- Many jokes begin with:
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
- Speciality:
- Musical instruction when you're really high
on drugs
- Inspired the timeless classic:
- Special Secret Weapon:
- Deluxe Bald Head will reflect sun rays, blinding those without specially equipped eye protection.
- Will never play cabaret.
........Except Sporanges