Orly-Porly's Internet Site

"Where's Orla?"
Just can't get enough of this game.

More work to do on the Web Pages, what with all these photo shoots.......
What 's next? Time for a nap?

There should be more of these hats
This was taken in John & Elaine's nice house.....They are nice. Next time we go to their house I should play the drums.
I wonder have they had a baby yet.
Look at how dark my hair is....
Look at how cheesy my smile is....
Amn't I impressing you all with my technical abilities........
Why didn't I send this in to the agency?

I'm off to the shops.
I just need some help with my leg extensions....

Want anything?

Floating Heads | Kaybay | Orla | Sadbh | Emily | Conal